Showing posts with label wrath. Show all posts
Showing posts with label wrath. Show all posts

Friday, May 29, 2015

Elisha a False Prophet and Yahweh a Lover of Human Sacrifice

I was putting together what I'm finding in the bible that the Israelite-Canaanite-Phoenician god Yahweh loves human sacrifice, so long as it's to him, when I came across the fact that not only is that suitable, but Elisha was a false prophet.

I'll write more about human sacrifice tomorrow, but real quickly here:

2 Kings 3:18 says that Elisha said that the Moabites would be delivered into the hands of Israel and Edom.

Okay, read through, keep reading.  They are killing the Moabites, and then...

And interestingly enough these next two verses I have high-lighted in the color I used for my family studies for a section in the book I've been planning.  Ironic how I didn't see the bigger picture before.  Isn't that interesting how at certain times we just don't see things that we see at later times?  We may have our eyes open to some things, but then we remain blinded to others. 

Vs. 26-27 state that when the battle looked grim to the king of Moab, he grabbed his eldest son, his heir, and he offered him for a burnt offering upon the wall.  How absolutely awful.

Now the god of Moab was Chemosh, but it doesn't say there whether the king offered his son to Chemosh or to Yahweh.  Either way...

There was great wrath against Israel, so Israel fled.  Yep!  So Moab wasn't delivered into Israel's hands, as Elisha prophesied.  Israel ended up fleeing before they finished the job, and it was this "wrath" against Israel after the Moabite king sacrificed his firstborn.  Whether it was supposedly Chemosh's wrath or Yahweh's wrath, depending unto whom the Moabite king sacrificed, two things are evident:

1. Elisha is a false prophet.
2. Yahweh is either wicked for accepting Moab's sacrifice to him, or he allowed Chemosh to beat him.

End of story.

But more really horrific things tomorrow, as I'm sorting through the verses in my bible.  Just wait to see what it's in store.

Make sure if you are reading this and you want the truth yourself, check those scriptures and read it thoroughly for yourself. 

Thursday, December 18, 2014

If I Was God...#2

If I was God, I would not feel the need nor desire to murder my son in wrath, much less in premeditation, in order to forgive my children of a transgression.

To believe in the Genesis version of the Eden story, starring Adam and Eve, El/God, and the talking serpent, means believing that the transgression of Adam and Eve was eating a fruit from a tree that would give them the knowledge of good and evil like God possessed.  There are many problems with this story, of course, and to read more of my comments on this, check out my posts from my retired blog (which I will soon repost on this blog):

But for the purpose of this post, let's assume Adam and Eve were God's children, and they truly did something bad to upset him.  Is it moral to impute their transgression onto all their posterity?  One of my all-time favorite chapters in the entire bible is Ezekiel 18.  Of course Ezekiel was written a bit later than the first few books of the bible, and it certainly was written from a viewpoint of advanced morality.  Ezekiel 18—please do read it or review it—teaches that a son should not die for the sins of his father.  Never mind that many times God or his supposed servants do indeed punish sons or other relatives of those who have angered him or his servants.  

And then is it right to punish a separate person entirely, one who supposedly did nothing wrong, so that you don't take your wrath out on the person who did do what was wrong?  

So if one of my children did something to anger me and that broke one of my rules, would it be ok if I took another child, even if that innocent child agreed to be punished for the guilty, and punished him or her?  

I have no earthly idea I didn't reach this simple and obvious conclusion for so many years, until this year, but I see now more than ever how strongly people can be brainwashed, even when I was one who very carefully compared God and his supposed Firstborn and then man and a man's firstborn (which no doubt did lead to questions that bothered me, but never this one).  

I don't feel any need to murder my son to forgive anyone who transgresses against me.  Why does God, if he's so good?  Why am I so much more loving and forgiving than the bible god?  

If I was God, I would go to extremes to avoid killing any of my children. I certainly wouldn't murder my own perfect son to appease some anger-management problem I possessed so that I felt I could forgive other children or anyone else.

For a video demonstration that further makes my point, done by the talented DarkMatter2525, see Christian Justice on Youtube.

This has been #2 in the "If I Was God..." series at